Monday, August 25, 2008

Climbing is hard

After a voluntary and nearly total two-year break from climbing, Scott and I were coerced into a weekend Gunks trip with our supremely motivated friend Doug. Doug is a good climber. And he has an amazing attitude so it's difficult to be all huffy about the fact that he's so freaking good.

As I was saying, climbing is hard. Harder than mountain biking. Harder than running. Definitely harder than skiing. This weekend I was morbidly scared on the sharp end, and, sometime during the last two years when I wasn't paying attention, somebody replaced all my core muscles with Little Debbie snack cakes.

I miss climbing. I miss the weird folks inhabiting the fringes of the sport, the seedy overcrowded free camping, the stoically psyched and reliably hardcore Germans that always seem to be around just in case I start feeling like I'm climbing really well. I miss plugging in cams. Lots and lots of cams, in my case. I think I'm going to keep climbing. Noncommittally. At first.

Scott, thanks for reading this.


rbcurator said...

Tausend Dank for including of your biggest fans! Looking forward to insights on finishing the Wilderness 101 and/or on how to best snatch the Herwig's paddle

Unknown said...

That's a great photo. Nice job!